Kate's Horses & Highlands
23205 Nine Mile Road
Huson, Montana 59846
home: (406) 626-2438
mobile: (406) 370-1490
Ethel​, Lucy and Blanch. My first highlands that started it all. Pictured as yearlings 2009
 Rose & Dorothy coming two year olds getting halter lessons 
Raising Scottish Highland cows registered with the AHCA, and a few token Galloway's because they are cute!
Please contact me if you are interested in calves or grass fed natural beef.

   (406) 370-1490 mobile.
(406) 626-2438 Home
Highland cattle are an ancient Scottish breed of beef cattle with long horns and long wavy pelts which are colored black, brindled, red, white, silver, yellow or dun.
The breed was developed in the Scottish Highlands and western isles of Scotland. Breeding stock has been exported to the rest of the world, especially Australia and North America, since the 1900s. The breed was developed from two sets of stock, one originally black, and the other reddish.
Highlands are known as a hardy breed due to the rugged nature of their native Scottish Highlands, with high rainfall and strong winds. They both graze and browse and eat plants other cattle avoid.
Highlands get most of their insulation from their thick shaggy hair rather than subcutaneous fat, producing an excellent modem beef carcass with the lean, well-marbled, flesh that ensures tenderness and succulence with a very distinctive flavor. Highland Beef is healthy and nutritious with lower levels of fat and cholesterol and a higher protein and iron content than other beef.

Highland cross cows inherit the hardiness of the pure Highlander, plus that vital ingredient "hybrid vigor". The cross Highlander has the milk to rear the continental calf with the high beefing potential demanded by today's market Both the pure Highlander and the first cross Highlander retain the prime ability to convert poor hill grazings into quality beef carcasses.

"Wild" Cow Milking
A Direct Hit in the Face!
Halter Training and Socializing 
Highlands are a very docile breed that are smart and have great dispositions.  Halter training is a great tool, which has made my every day interactions with my cows simpler.  I use the same technique for halter training my cows as I do my horses however; I have found that the calves catch on much faster than horses. Below are some fun photos showing some of what I do with my cows.
Sale Barn

About Highland Cattle
           Imprinting at Birth 
And Don't Forget To Have Fun!
First Halter Lesson
Follow up Lesson and more handling